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About Our Hospital

Welcome to Veterinary Surgical Solutions, your local veterinarian in Austin.

Dr. Lewis developed our program over 20 years ago in response to the lack of affordable surgical options for pet owners in Central Texas – the need for this was tremendous then and continues to this day.  Our model allows pet owners to save on average 30% to 50%, which could be the difference between treatment and euthanasia.

Although surgery is our primary focus, we continue to evolve in response to the needs of our pet community.  We collaborate with many rescue groups, emergency clinics and veterinarians to identify needs.  This collaboration has born our addition of canine rehabilitation services in 2018. Come check out our state-of-the-art water treadmill!

Meet Our TeamOur Services

The most common question we receive is, “How are you able to offer services at such a discounted price?”  The answer is in our business model.

  • We depend upon your primary care veterinarian to provide all the wellness care – therefore we do not carry a large inventory of products, medications or vaccinations – the savings in overhead costs is passed along to our clients.
  • Because we are a practice focused solely on surgery and rehabilitation services, we are staffed with a smaller, highly-skilled team.
  • In most cases your pet’s surgical need has already been established by their primary care veterinarian or an emergency veterinarian – therefore, in most cases a pre-surgical consultation is not necessary to provide estimates and schedule surgery.
  • Our schedule is designed to maximize our availability for surgery – we typically perform over 25 procedures a week which allows us to keep our surgery costs to a minimum.
  • Our dedicated team works directly with clients before and after surgery – this allows our surgery team to perform more procedures in a day while staying focused on direct patient care. This is the #1 way we help clients save money