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Cystotomy – Post-Operative Instructions

Following a successful surgery, owner compliance is the most important factor in recovery. Please be careful and patient with your pet during this time. Following these instructions closely will ensure a speedy recovery.

IMPORTANT: If your pet has any combination of the following: DIARRHEA, VOMITING, LETHARGY and/or LACK OF
APPETITE, then your pet will need to be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible. During normal business hours this can be
us at VSS, otherwise seek your regular veterinarian or an emergency clinic.

Our medical team is available to answer questions and address concerns:
Monday – Thursday: 7am – 5pm
Friday: schedule varies

1. Pain Management: This surgery is a painful procedure and pain management is a necessity. The appropriate medications will be sent home post-operatively. Be sure to administer these medications as directed and until ALL doses are finished. This will keep your pet comfortable and promote a speedy recovery. If you feel at any time the pain is not adequately controlled please contact the clinic.

2. Antibiotics: Your pet will be sent home with a course of antibiotics to prevent post-operative infection. Follow the prescribed schedule on the label. Finish all doses of medications to aid your pet in a speedy recovery.

3. Stomach upset: Monitor for any signs of vomiting, diarrhea, lack of appetite or any blood in the stool. If your pet experiences any of these symptoms – follow the instructions on the Recovery guide for the first 2 weeks following surgery. This guide was provided at discharge.  You may also peruse our FAQ.

4. Some patients may experience a bout of constipation post-op. It is possible for a pet to not have a bowel movement for up to 7 days after surgery. You may add 1-2 tablespoons of canned pumpkin to their food to aid with the consistency and frequency of bowel movements. DO NOT use canned pumpkin pie filling- ONLY canned pumpkin. HEB typically carries Farmer’s Market Organic Pumpkin in cans on the baking aisle.

5. Exercise: Your pet should be confined to a small room following surgery. Short, leashed potty breaks to the front/back yard on a short leash are approved. DO NOT use a retractable leash or long-line leash. Be very careful on slick surfaces such as wood or tile. NO high impact activity such as: running, roughhousing, playing, and jumping. These activities compromise your pet’s surgical site and can result in slowed recovery. Activity needs to be restricted for a minimum of 2 weeks. If there are multiple pets in the home, then keep them separated during the recovery period.

6. E-collar: Licking at the incision site is NEVER OKAY. These actions prevent healing and can result in the opening and infection of the incision site. DO NOT allow housemates to lick or paw at the surgical site as this can result in costly postoperative complications. The e-collar needs to be used all day and night for a full 2 weeks after surgery.

7. Incision Site Care: You should not need to clean the incision site; it heals best if left alone. Some bleeding and seeping in the first few days is to be expected, gentle pressure may be applied to the incision site with a clean towel or gauze. If you must clean the incision site use a small amount of warm water and dab DO NOT wipe. No bathing or swimming for 14 days, the incision needs to remain dry. DO NOT apply any topical ointments, sprays, salves or bandages as this traps bacteria at the surgical site and can result in infection.

8. Urination: Following surgery it is common for your pet to strain and urinate frequently. Monitor urination closely during the first 2 weeks after surgery. Blood may be present for 7-10 days.

9. Stone Analysis: The stones retrieved will be sent to a lab for analysis.
– Typically these results are returned to our clinic in 4-8 weeks.
– Once the stone analysis is ready, we will email you and your primary veterinarian a copy of the report. Please make sure to follow up with your pet’s primary doctor for dietary changes.

If your pet is experiencing a medical emergency and you are not able to reach us, please take your pet to the nearest emergency clinic.