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Feline Perineal Urethrostomy “PU”- Post-Operative Instructions
Following a successful surgery, owner compliance is the most important factor in recovery. Please be careful and patient with your pet during this time. Following these instructions closely will ensure a speedy recovery.

IMPORTANT: If your pet has any combination of the following: DIARRHEA, VOMITING, LETHARGY and/or LACK OF
APPETITE, then your pet will need to be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible. During normal business hours this can be
us at VSS, otherwise seek your regular veterinarian or an emergency clinic.

Our medical team is available to answer questions and address concerns:
Monday – Thursday: 7am – 5pm
Friday: schedule varies

1. Pain Management: This surgery is a painful procedure and pain management is a necessity. Continued pain control is a MUST during recovery, the appropriate medications will be sent home after surgery. Be sure to administer these medications as directed and until ALL doses are finished. This will keep your pet comfortable and aid in a speedy recovery. If you feel at any time the pain is not adequately controlled please contact the clinic.

2. Antibiotics: Your pet will be sent home with a course of antibiotics to prevent post-operative infection. Follow the prescribed schedule on the label. Finish all doses of medication.

3. Urination: Following surgery it is common for your pet to strain and urinate frequently. Monitor urination closely during the first 2 weeks after surgery. Blood may be present for 7-10 days. Keep track of the odor, color, and amount of urine.

4. E-collar: Licking at the incision site is NEVER OKAY. This will prevent healing and result in scarring, opening and infection of the incision site. DO NOT allow housemates to lick at the incision site. IT IS IMPERATIVE DURING RECOVERY TO KEEP YOUR PET’S E-COLLAR ON AT ALL TIMES even when they are in the kennel. The E-collar is key to a successful recovery from this surgery. Your pet should have a hard “cone of shame” style E-collar on at all times, even when in a kennel. A soft/inflatable E-collar does not provide enough protection for the surgical site during this recovery. The veterinary staff will advise at rechecks when it is okay discontinue its use.

5. Cleaning the surgical site: The surgical site needs to remain clean and lightly moist with A&D ointment to prevent stricture/scarring post-op.  For the first 7 days following surgery the site will need to be flushed/cleaned/ moistened 3-4 times daily. Start washes on the evening/night of surgery day.
– Draw 15 mLs of sterile saline from the fluid bag sent home with you.
– Squirt/flush the entire surgical site.
– Pat the site dry with a clean paper towel or clean cloth.
– Apply a thin layer of A&D ointment to the entire surgical site.
– DO NOT use soaps, water, peroxide, Neosporin, or any other topical ointments. Follow the directions above for cleaning very closely as non-compliance can result in severe complications.

6. Exercise/Activity: Your pet MUST be indoors and confined to a kennel for the initial 7-14 days following surgery. Use a kennel big enough to fit a litter box, food/water bowls and a bed for your cat. Usually after your first recheck a small room with little to no furniture may be used for confinement. It is imperative to limit your cat’s activities during recovery to reduce stress on sutures and prevent trauma/scarring of the surgical site. DO NOT allow your cat to jump or climb on furniture. Remove furniture and items from the room where they will be confined as these actions may slow the healing process and cause further trauma to the surgical site. If there are multiple pets in the home keep them separated. NO running, going outdoors, roughhousing, playing, jumping, or climbing – these activities compromise your pet’s surgical site and result in major post-operative complications. Cats MUST be kept STRICTLY indoors for a minimum of 30 days.

7. Litter: Use a litter box that has a low dust, pelleted or paper litter. Shredded newspaper is okay as well. DO NOT USE clay litters as it sticks and clumps around the surgical site leading to delayed healing and further trauma.

8. Feeding: Your pet may have an upset stomach the night of surgery as a side effect of the medications used. Offer ½ of the normal amount they are fed. If they do not want to eat do not force it. If they eat and vomit pull the food until the next morning. If they eat and are able to hold down the food for an hour you may offer more in small increments throughout the night. Unless advised by the veterinary staff to feed a specific diet, it is best to offer the food your pet normally eats as to reduce the likely hood of an upset stomach due to a food change.

9. Rechecks: Your pet’s first recheck will be 7 days following surgery. At that time we will be able to make recommendations for continued care of the surgical site and activity restrictions. DO NOT remove your pet’s E-collar until advised by the veterinary staff that it is okay to discontinue its use. Dr. Lewis will evaluate and make specific care and activity recommendations for your pet at the time of rechecks. If there is a discrepancy between this post-op information and instructions you are given by the veterinary staff, please follow the instructions from the veterinary staff as they will have the most current, specific recommendations for your pet.

If your pet is experiencing a medical emergency and you are not able to reach us, please take your pet to the nearest emergency clinic.